
时间:2018-01-20 17:00:30 点击:


Great Wall international dual-currency debit card, which belongs to BOC debit card product series, is a safe and convenient modern e-payment instrument integrating the functions of savings by both USD and RMB currency, deposit, withdrawal, ATM services and card payment. With the card, customers can get access to kinds of self-service terminals including networked ATMs of Bank of China and Bank of China outlets as well.


Great Wall international dual-currency debit card can be a professional house keeper in your daily life which cares details in your life and fits for your overall wealth management need.





ATM service

Customers can handle various transactions such as withdrawal, balance inquiry on networked ATMs of Bank of China around 7X24 hours without being subject to service hour restraints of outlets.


Card payment

With the card and preset password, customers can make payment for consumption by swiping card at the bank’s appointed partners and merchants with “UnionPay” logo (shopping malls, hotels and entertainment venues) home and abroad without any handling fee. With this card, customers can save a lot of trouble of carrying cash.


Safety guard

For account safety, customers are recommended to reset the password at networked ATMs of Bank of China and Bank of China outlets upon getting the new card and guard against should surfing and theft during usage.


Maximum transaction amount

With the card and password, the customer can withdraw cash on ATMS with a daily maximum accumulative amount of USD 1000 or RMB 10000. In case of making payment for consumption by swiping card, the daily maximum accumulative amount will be up to USD 100000 or RMB 700000. Overdraft is not allowed.

产品特点 Features

A 双币种帐户、多币种功能


One card linking dual currency accounts and multiple currency functions

Great Wall international dual-currency debit card, linking together with USD account and RMB account, enables the customers for current deposit and withdrawal with both USD and RMB so as to get rid of the inconvenience and risk incurred from carrying many passbooks and deposit certifications. By depositing RMB or USD in the card, you are able to withdrawal cash or making payment for consumption by swiping card in multiple currencies such as RMB, HKD, GBD, USD, etc.

B 在中国境内取款或消费,无兑换手续费


No exchanging fee will be charged for withdrawal or payment in China's mainland.

With the card and password, customers withdraw cash at the ATMS in China mainland or make payment for consumption by swing card at the POS machines in China mainland, the transaction will be denoted in RMB, so as to get rid of the inconvenience and risk incurred from carrying the dollars to exchange into RMB. 

C 双账户联动,汇率更优


Dual account automatically activate with preferential exchange rate

With the card and password, customers withdraw cash at the ATMS in China mainland or make payment for consumption by swing card at the POS machines in China mainland, if balance is not sufficient to support the transaction in the customer’s RMB account, the transaction will be automatically converted to USD at selling rate and deducted from the customer’s USD account which will be more preferential than carrying the USD notes to exchange into RMB.

D 全面整合电子银行,服务跨越时空

您可使用长城环球通借记卡在ATM、网上银行上办理各类业务,享受7X24小时无限制的自主服务。 您在办理长城环球通借记卡时,可同时申请开通网上银行,也可随后凭身份证件和卡到我行网点办理注册。

Full range of e-banking services without time and geographic restraints

Customers can easily handle various transactions at ATMs and online banking with the card for self services around 7X24 hours. Customers may apply for Bank of China’s online banking services upon applying for the card, or bring along with the valid identity documents and the card and come to our outlets in person for online banking service application.

E 刷卡消费,优惠多多


Enjoy various special offers upon swiping card for consumption

Customers can enjoy special discounts offered by the merchants for our cardholders only as long as make payment for consumption by swiping our card at the bank’s appointed various shopping malls and restaurants, such as LUCKY DEPARTMENT STORES, LUCKY SALON&SPA, 鱼生, KANJI, SECRETE RECIPE, etc.

温馨提示 TIPS



Card or password loss

For card or password loss reporting, customers should report the loss via the bank’s service telephone or at outlets of Bank of China nearby.



Card replacement or cancellation

In case of your debit card broken, excitation loss or other situation, customer should go through card replacement or cancellation procedure with debit card, passbook and valid identity documents at the issuing outlet.

安全用卡须知  Tips for safety concern

• 领卡后请立即更改密码

Reset the password upon getting the new card

A 在申领借记卡后,请您立即在柜台或   ATM更改您的借记卡使用密码。设定与借记卡关联的存折密码应避免与借记卡使用密码及电话银行密码相同。

A. Customers are recommended to reset the password over our counter or at our ATMs and try to avoid to use the same password of your debit card and telephone banking service on the relating deposit account.

B 密码设定应避免选用多个重复数字,个人身份证号码,出生日期,电话号码或其他易被他人获取的个人资料作为私人密码。

B. When selecting your own password, you should avoid using number combinations that can easily be guessed such as repeating numbers, your identity document number, birth date, telephone number or other such information easily obtainable by others.

• 妥善保管,注意保密

Properly keep for confidentiality


A. Please keep your personal password in mind and do not let others to keep or use your debit card and password under any circumstance so as to avoid unnecessary dispute or loss.

B 尽量将借记卡、存折和身份证等证件分开存放,切不可将卡、折、证件及密码存放在一起,一旦丢失将给您办理挂失等手续带来不便,更有可能由此造成资金损失。

B. Please keep your debit card, passbook and identity documents separately as far as possible. It is strongly discouraged for security concern that keeping the card together with the passbook, identity documents and the password. Please take note that careless keeping may result in not only inconvenience incurred from loss reporting procedure but also serous financial loss to you.

C 避免在卡上或任何与卡一起存放的物件上写上私人密码,或对私人密码不加掩藏。

C. Written records of your password is strongly discouraged for security reasons. If you really need to keep such records, you must keep them separate from your Card at all times.

• 安全使用,防止资料被盗

Careful usage to avoid information release

A 对于使用中不清楚的事项,不要向陌生人咨询。如遇问题可向我行任一网点柜台查询或拨打借记卡服务热线,我行将有专业人员为您解答相关问题。

A. If you have any doubt during usage, please require a clarification from our counter or via our service telephone instead of consulting from strangers.

B 在银行柜台、ATM机及公共场所使用POS机刷卡消费时,输入密码时须防止旁人偷窥盗取。POS机消费时要监督收银员操作,如遇重复刷卡并要求您重复输入密码时,务必确认未发生重复交易。在签购单、取款单签字确认前,应注意核对卡号、金额是否正确,确认无误后方可签名。妥善保留有关单据,以备核对。

B. Wheninputtingthepassword over bank’s counter, ATMs or POS machines,youmustguard against shoulder surfing and theft. Please keep an eye on the cashiers when swiping card on POS machines. Please check whether the transaction is performed more than once when you are required to swipe the card and input the password again. Please verify the card number and amount shown and make sure they are correct before you sign on the issuedcredit voucher or withdrawal voucher. Please keep relevant voucher properly in case of verification.

C 注意ATM机交易安全,取款前请留意ATM机吐钞口及密码键盘有无异样或被改装,输入密码时须注意遮挡,防止被不法分子直接利用摄像装置窥取。取款后及时取走或销毁ATM交易流水单,不要随意丢弃,防止原始资料被不法获取,造成资金损失。任何时候不要将自己账户资金转入不知名账户,银行从不会向客户作此要求。


C. Please aware of security upon ATM transaction by paying attention to any abnormal appearance or suspicious intentionally conversion on the ATM, especially the cash-out shutter and the pin pad. When inputting password, you must take reasonable precautions to shield from shoulder surfing or theft by some photographic devices. Take away or destroy the issued withdrawal voucher after cashing from the machines to avoid financial loss incurred from original information reveal or theft upon careless keeping relevant transaction documents. The bank never requires customers to transfer money into stranger’s accounts at anytime so please do not perform any similar instruction.

If the ATM fails to cash out or return your card, do not believe or call any consulting telephone number pasted on the ATM, not to mention that reveal your password to anyone around or through the phone. The bank never asks the customers to offer password either in written form or verbally. Our official customer service number specifically for debit card business is 00855-23988886 during working hour or 00855-81988885 for non working hour. No other consulting telephone number regarding debit card business is available. 

• 及时核对账户资金


Check your account checking regularly

Please have your passbook printed and verified the occured transactions and balance. Any doubt or unnormal transaction found, please inquire the issuing bank in time.

• 销卡手续应办理完全


Card cancellation procedure shall be fully completed.

For card cancellation conducted over counter, please ask for the handling voucher in time and make sure the debit card has been returned to the bank and the magnetic stripe has been cut properly by the teller so that the card cannot be abused by others. 

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